…You know I got to thinking today about the computers that we can not live with out these days. You see ordinary people with them everywhere; in the mall, the office, on the bus and the cops in the cars. What would we do without them? Then there is my childrens generation that has had Nitendo, Sega, Xbox and the home PC. I remember my parents buying their first microwave at over $800 dollars, over 20 years ago (it still works by the way.) The first VCR we had in our home had a wired remote. Hell the first TV I remember was black and white. We would go to Grandma’s to watch something special in color, Wizard of Oz comes to mind. Our children can not live without their cell phones and it is not for calling they text on them. Would society live through a disaster where we had to start all over? What are you thoughts?
You know come to think of it I would not of met my present spouse without that computer and internet…