This year I decide to post the Gir hat on eBay and Etsy, little did I know how many I would sell!! I sold 7 Gir hats and a Bender hat. The Bender hat was a special request for a large size. I added an extra row bumping up to a row with 10 and…
Category: crochet hat
Jack Skellington Hat
Every year I start thinking of some unique Christmas present I can give each of my sons. I get ideas from them, things they like, or from their brothers. This year I asked Bryce if Dale would like a knit hat with skulls on it or a Jack Skellington hat. Bryce told me hands down…
Monster Hats…
I GOT THEM DONE!!! WOO HOO!! Check out all the “Monsters.” An YES I finally think I have got this dang pattern figured out so the first ear flap can be stitched, without breaking the yarn and attaching it.
NEW HAT!! Chic Elite Hat
I finally got the pattern down to the way I like, well I LOVE it. In fact if my step daughter does not want it, I DO!! Will post the pattern at for those that want. It fits my head, I would say I am an adult small to medium.